hands up who's got the snots?

Back to the snots.Nose and chest clear but sinuses horrible.Even feel the ducting under the skin and loads of pain. Thought it had gone today. Went for short ride and by the time I got home I felt like crap again. Seems we got a virus.Guess its that time of year again
went to work yesterday, felt cack, half day today anyway. slept 12 hours on sunday into monday.

now left with a chest like wire wool.

not pleasant!

went into work this morning to be confronted with a barrage of coughs, sneezes, and sniffles... it's only a matter of time before the barstewards infect me too :roll:
seems to be a popular thing at the moment.
Well that was a great day. Take it from me, flecks of snot soaked tissue do not an attractive beard adornment make. Well the girls in the local chemist don't think so anyway.