Wanted Gt flip flop stem

Remember you also need the quill that slides into the steerer and the stem connects to (no idea what it’s called)
They also varied over the years. ‘90 &’91 and poss earlier (Flip Flip 1?) were round(ish) tubing, ‘92 (Flip Flop II?) was ovalised. Flip Flop III (‘93, might be IV?) was standard ahead. Probably not Gospel, but there or there abouts.
Thanks folks, was toe dip if I’m honest, saw some USA eBay prices and laughed.. The frame is a rider for someone and won’t ever be a show pony again. So it’s not mission critical.
I had one when they were new-ish. It was found on the bargain table at a local shop not long after its release. It was a creaky flexible monster. I might still have it the parts bin, in which case I would be happy to give it to you for free along with the OEM stem from a ‘91 Tequesta. (SoCal)