Friday night is nightride night!

I shouldn't be late - got a cooking pass from my lovely missus - I'll see you at 6 or earlier if possible
I'm nipping up early myself, maybe get an hour or so in. I'll trundle back to car park around 6.

Should be a braw night for it.
we still got that swear filter ?

cos that was ******* awesome tonight

ahh we do

dry ,rooty,twisty,fast,slow,fun,scenic,sunny ,picturesque ,push,drift,slide,
slicks ,northshore ,oldskool,jump,pump ,bounce,smile,grin ,wooooahh,left ,right ,careful.attack,laugh ,green ,brown, golden,yellow, dogs,4x4's,faaaast, WOW, click , wet, fixed , pint ,penuts, crisps, home.

I dare say I could be persuaded, although it kind of puts a crimp on my Friday afternoon road ride... ;)

Where were you thinking? Just in time to injure myself in preparation for Torridon...
reckon I'll be prepping the bike for Torridon on friday K, dont want any last minute shennanigans - no country for old bikes, despite that that's what I'll be riding and with a shooglie back wheel if I can't get the freewheel off in time.

Do freewheels unscrew anti clockwise like normal?