EDIT. When does it become retro??

It doesn't really matter. Some will have strong opinions, and even be a bit snobby about it. Which is fine, some bikes will be less desirable despite age too. Brand, model, value popularity add to this result. Line in the sand is always changing too and will depend on the persons age and opinion. My personal opinion, is probably around early mid 2000's it gets new and current but bikes move fast, tech moves fast. Properly retro, as in the stuff that that makes me all fuzzy and is dangerous or awkward To go fast on... That's, 1993 or earlier personally.
To me, anything that isn't contemporary is retro, with the caveat that "retro" can only ever be quality, simply being old doesn't cut it (that's just old crap)
I think everyone will have their own "golden age" depending on what they were up to at various stages of their lives and how MTBs fitted in. My favourite era is broadly '96 - 2000 ~ happy times, plenty of riding and enough funds to buy the bikes I really wanted. By then we had aheadsets and v brakes, boingy forks and spds ~ the things which in my opinion make bikes reliable and ridable.
If it's newer than 1997 then never and sacrelidge (yes I couldn't spell it ) to even suggest it, go to hell you blasphemer the gods have spoken . ;)
