Discs on a non disc frame...

Another vote for the disc tab. The Hei Hei is a lovely frame and has years more life in it - make it last and make it more versatile.

Disclaimer - I bought my Vit-T with a ti rear tab added. It also the canti bolts and canti bridge ground off - dont go that far :)
Cheers for all the replies guys some really good ideas.

as I said v's would be my first choice but modern course designs means that to ride quickly you need the modern technology on offer. I was riding over the olympic course on saturday which again confirmed what I already knew, in that I needed to be able to scrub speed off and not lock up on a couple of the drops, but as it turned out I have a very slightly kink or out of true rear wheel, which locked when I tried to feather the brakes and keep a uniform speed into the decent.

so far the best thing Ive seen is the brake therapy system, which is pretty much the same as the old hope system, just available.

I could weld the tab but two things are stopping me, a altering the frame (although I have no intention of selling it any time soon) and b Im quite sure Id need at least some extra bracing as the frame wasnt designed o load and take braking pressure at that point. Oh and obviously finding a competentti welder...

Im kind of looking forward to this because its like new bike feeling but with the same bike if that makes sense..!