Contacting Risse Racing


Manitou Fan
Has anybody had problems contacting Risse Racing? I am trying to get air shocks for my Girvin Vector and Cannondale Super V but I cannot get a response via phone or E-Mail. I have tried via E bay as they sell via there but nothing yet.

yep - have tried and failed half a dozen times to contact them about my Elroy rear shock. Phone and email, numerous messages left and nothing at all. I was always told their customer service was very good :?

I contacted "" or "" for my Boulder's shock with no problem.
But it was more than one year ago…

I hope everything is OK. My Boulder Starship is starting to leak oil out of the rear shock and is a Risse made product.
It saddens me that there are so many decent companies that are genuinely valuable to the bicycle world but are sucked under by the vices of profiteering, environmental vandalism, slave wages etc in the Far East.

They still seem to be posting on Facebook but just not answering numerous e-mail and calls.

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