Yellow Jersey

Dirt Disciple
Hi folks, I'm looking at buying a new cycle computer and don't want to attach anything to the forks, does GPS work without the need for attachments other then the head unit? I have the STRAVA App on my phone but don't want to attach the phone to my bike, is there a similar computer I can buy?

Thanks guys
I've got a Garmin Edge 705, nice piece of kit. The Garmin 800 with touch screen replaces it but costs a shedload. Also good for walking :)

The cheaper Garmin 500 should do everything you need but comes at a cost compared to a Cateye.

The garmin website for tracking rides is a bit of a hoot LOL

Thanks mate although out of my price range to be honest Shaun, I'm looking more around the £100 mark, I should have said.The ones I've looked at are the Garmin Edge 200 and something by Veloset but that has mixed reviews? Do they loose signal and become a pain and if so are the wheel set ones with wires the only real way?
I Like my wireless cateye strada.......doesn't have wires and the display is small and neat. The sensor on the forks is visible though.

My Garmin sometimes decides it can't find any satelites near Penrith :(
