Can't decide on the colour..........


Retro Guru
The old Gios will soon be ready for paint, bear in mind it's that Flo Green and Mauve 80s scheme at the moment.

I was deffo going Gios blue with Chrome fork and single stay. Now I'm tempted by Mercier metalic pink a la Barry Hobans TDF bikes.

I'm not staying traditional kit wise as it'll have modern Shimano.

Don't know what to do.
Only one choice surely in the blue.
Although I had a non gios painted that colour and it judt did not look right.
As it's a Gios in my humble opinion I think it's worth going the resto route otherwise you run the risk of devaluing it. Plus Gios blue is just lovely.

Just my opinion of course ;)
Whilst I've seen Gios in white, black, red, purple and some seriously wrong 2-tone jobs, you've got to stick to blue and white.
I'd never heard of Mercier Pink before... googling led me to this amazing singlespeed collection with the picture below... looks great! Have to say, I also like the 'Black and White' I've also shown in this post! Lots of great looking bikes there, anyhow... :D



Mercier Pink

It's a very nice colour and brings back memories of old Tours.....Pink steel, blue skys and Alps ahh isn't it.
I'd go either Dark Chocolate or Root Beer brown of course with the polished drive side stays, some more chrome accents for parts and maybe a bit of white or green on the grips and cables.