Campag Ergopower adjusters

I do indeed - usually heading in the other direction at high speed as I was slugging my way to a finish in an embarrassingly slow time. My worse deficit to MrC was something like half an hour in a 50. In my defense I was suffering the effects of a crash earlier in the week and gave up at a around 30 miles - if I'd known a quicker way back to the finish I'd not have completed the course. Despite that, I still wasn't last. Least ways I don't think I was.
Cinelli M71 pedals - I used them too but usually only a fixed bike although for some reason I put them on geared bike for a TT and ended up on my back after warming up because I wasn't used to sliding my feet back to release them.
I only raced against him a couple of times in 10 mile events he was around 2-1/2 mins faster than I was..usually winning the event :)