Bored bored bored

Flip side - Lots of small businesses thriving because of the internet. Artists getting a market for their work, niche suppliers finding worldwide niche markets.

Filters are required - the clowns were & will always be there.
Not as bored today. Got a mantelpiece on the go for myself. Lots of sawing,planing and jointing. Design is usual mantle thing but with some turned columns, that I might flute.
In solid Maple, which is a good use for it as its been sitting there for 11 years.

Must get on, got the surface planing to do to joint the edges, and I dont like running loud machinery for the sake of the neighbours.

Hmm are old bike fans drawn towards Space Rock or are Space Rock fans drawn to old bikes?

Hawkwind fan here too (Lemmy days of course) Space Ritual one of my all time favourites :)