
Retrobike Rider
Baiku - It's like Haiku but without the rules...and about bikes.

Let's hear your experiences of the last ride/s you did. Get it down in words and pictures...

My weekend on wheels in words...

Cross Baiku.

Sun looks like it's winning the fight. Road ride today. Cold headwind and relentless wind noise. Take evasive action. Right onto South Downs Way. wet chalk. 30mm tyres@90psi. I believe I can fly. Er, I am flying. I fought the law (of gravity) and the law (of gravity) won. Back on and climb the good climb. Take pics. Make myself later and later. Appear from the woods and surprise the full susser brigade unloading their trucks. Receive stick for being a cyclist from bike riders. "F*ck you and your five inches" (I say silently). Laugh as I imagine calling in 'special op's' Ed Edwards to 'educate' them. Roots remind me of my biking roots. Speaking the trail's language today. Drop out of the woods. Get the train home. Got a date with my wife at lunch. Mmmm, lunch. Best ride of my life.

Mountain Baiku:

Wind+Rain+Cold+Late train+Busy traffic+Wet chalk+Slippery roots+Skinny tyres+Too high pressures+Fogging up glasses+Gore Tex on strike+Tough climbs and scetchy decents+Grumpy other bikers+No food and too little water+Slipping and pedals not re-engaging+Something unpleasant splattered on my leg+No views through the mist+Cold spin back along road+Long wait for (another) delayed train home=The best ride of my life.


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Road baiku

New tyres and tubes, feeling good and feeling fast… small breakfast, plan to ride to friends house for lunch…..all going well, flying along, fast on the flats strong on the hills…..LOST…..f*ckin Maidstone labyrinth…..stuck on dual carriageway….no bike bit…cars doing 80mph….starts pissing down…wish I was in the woods…More LOST…..same crappy looking ‘Harvester’ for 3rd time……going to have to do it…don’t want to….fighting it….. Ask for directions …aaaagggghhhhh….goes against all my manly instincts….wife calls…where the f8ck are you…….Detling Hill …. 17% …. Owwww….hungry, no food, no garages….signs for Chatham….. not going to Chatham….. signs for Sittingbourne…..this looks right…. Find house….. 47 miles, 3 hrs….best ride of my life…..(not)
Open the shed...choose my still covered in mud...reminds me of why I love MTB's...wait for SPESHMIKE...hit the trail...legs burn on first climb...pump the bike out of the saddle...reach the woods...dive into the darkness...slide on the rocks and leaves...hold it together...make it out in one the water splash...damn cold water even in tights...along the farm track...curse the headwind...dive down the cliff top...grab a bit of air off the up to the lung buster leg wrecking climb...breather at the total awe of the view over Lincoln it gets me every time...curse the dog sh*t...more climbing...couple of miles of field tracks...get held up by famers and their 4x4's...through the water splash again...race SPESHMIKE up the rocky climb...damp forehead...legs screaming...more field track and I'm it...want ride in a long time :D


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one chance for ride...sunday at 3pm..drop wife and kids off at party...have to pick them up at 5...have to rush then and do ride in record time! along, up, down, up along, down, back...arrive home dripping wet with sweat, knackered...but on rings:"don't rush we're getting a lift home"... :evil:
yeah wasn't best pleased. I hate rushing a ride - these things should be savoured at your natural pace, not rushed.
The Wives just dont understand! :x

Weekend riding should be for as long as we want, not rushed, ever! :LOL: