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Not a political forum i know, but this is more about us, all of us, and normally i keep quiet, and have done for years, as too many people eagerly judge based on what others say but this is getting out of hand now.

As a side note, i have studied geo engineering for many years but as above, it is easily dissmissed by media, i have campaigned through various organisations, all of which have been shut down and dissmissed, despite the facts. (am happy to discuss with anyone if they want)

I present this, not to make anyone aware of geo engineering, you only have to look up with you own eyes for that and make your own judgement, but to show the bigger picture of the world being created, not just for you, but for your children and their children, for every child.

Please watch this and share, dont be afraid what others will say or think, if you make just one person wake up and notice then you have made a major contribution.... Be safe, be vigilant.

Thanks for sharing.

I have a different take and it's the power of self-awareness; who and what we really are. That includes recognising and tapping (back) into the energy of the universe: individually and collectively.

Essential reading includes "The Alchemist" by Paulo Coelho, "Fingerprints Of The Gods" by Graham Hancock and "Celestine Prophecy" by James Redfield.
Un Agenda 21 / 30
Event 201
Bill Gates id2020 ...

If you have a spare ten hours , most folk do
Check out
Europa the last battle ...
Its hidden on Bitchute .....
When we chase who we think we really are or ought to be, what then? The Tao that can be spoken isn’t the real Tao

Ponder this my friends


For anyone interested in this field, there's a whole academic sub-discipline of political geography that offers a variety of perspectives, including more radical ones, on how politics affects geography and vice-versa. And, although written with a green agenda and therefore far from neutral, there is a lot of good journalism to be found over at covering politics, economics and ecology.

David Icke was on about this years ago and everyone dismissed him as a crackpot (his son of god claim didnt really help..) but over the last decade or so, his predictions have become frighteningly correct ie regarding surveillance, control, the totalitarian tiptoe to the 'End Games' scenario and dont get him started on this Covid nonsence and the constant media scaremongering .. Don't have a go at me, make up your own mind ... turn off the damn British Brainwash Corporation for a few days, who incidently have been doing their utmost to get his videos on arguing the narrative taken down ...

dazdc5":8rsfbuod said:
That's right, but we're all expected to swallow the Govt/Beeb version?

/\/\/\ Its this type of behaviour that I dont understand /\/\/\ - this along with things like Rothschild conspiracies, chemtrails, Illuminate and so on

Saying the BBC or any other organisation is at the centre of some secret cover up is, well, just laughable, it goes in the bin along with all the Covid-19 fake news. The people within these organisations dont have the wherewithal to blow their own noses without a signed form or method statement - let alone control the world.

Everyone is entitled to their own opinions, that is one of the things that makes the world great.

I would like to add though that Geo-Engineeing is real, it has been around for many years, the military used to use generated cloud cover to hide troop ground movements, and they use Geo-Engineering to disperse rain cloud to create arid regions which they did last in a recent conflict. The current debates and conffernces are not about wether it is real, that has never been the debate, only with mainstream media debunking the idea as a conspiracy, it is about the lack of proper testing and the effects of the heavy metals used and sprayed into the air has on the eco system, it is proved harmful to humans, animals, plants and the soil. However, before the current Geo-Engineering program was officially started at the end of last year Monsanto announced they had developed strains of seeds that can be grown in soil contaminated with heavy metals where nothing else will grow, so no need to worry.

The problem is the oficial tests on the heavy metals are based on a set size of partical where it is stated that only minimal effect on human health will result with minimal deaths, though they do say that the immune system will be affected. The opposition that is put forward is that the particals range in size where the smaller particles have a lot higher intake into the human system. Also it was decided that the particles could not just be left in the air so have to be rained out, which further penetrates the soils.

Just to point out, the reason for the current Geo-Engineering program is stated as to help reflect the suns rays to cool the planet due to global warming. I personally do not know wether global warming is happening or not, that is debated else where. There were 3 proposed methods of dispersing the cover put forward, one was via planes, which is the one they are trying at the moment, the other was from ships at sea and the third was from orbit. The biggest amount of aircraft being used at the moment is owned by Bill Gates but there are countless other companies that have planes in the sky. Also, the heavy metal spraying is not the only Geo-Engineering activity, they also generate rain, cloud and disperse cloud and moisture.

The idea is a sound one if it truly is to protect, they do say that the planet is more important than the people which makes sense, but it is too benny hill of an operation, which also is a 10 year, as they put it, 'experiment' as they do not know for sure if it will have the desired effect. It also was never opened up for public debate and as here, there are mixed reports and beliefs about even the existence of it.