Another newbie playing the "Name my Frame" game.

Hi Speedthing,

You are correct in saying the RGF bottom bracket shell is French. They were used by most of the top builders as being the best quality/lightest available at the time. Raliegh SBDU used them.

The lugs look like Haden Soveriegn which were manufactured in Birmingham, I believe, but they could be Pugnant.

My current thinking is that the frame could be a Fangio, which were manufactured in Belgium.


Sorry, that should be Prugnat
Cool In my search to find stuff out about my Henry Burton frame i found this
And found a pic of some frame lugs that look almost identical to ones on my frame but they say those lugs are usually found on Gazelle and Champion Modial frames so go figure that. BCM lugs well they look pretty close to me.
