A thread about politics


Angela Merkel makes me nervous, i want to draw a little hitler moustache on her everytime i see her picture :?

I don't see that we are any better off as part of europe, having said that i'm also not sure we are any worse off either :roll:

If leaving meant we could get a tighter grip on immigration that would be a plus.
As for the economy, i think we are in a better position than a lot of other member states. So i don't think leaving would put as at a disadvantage.

Sad to say that we are just a little country on the edge of europe thats of very little significance these days :(
Germany are trying to do financially what it couldn't do militarily and as usual when it has it's fingers in french pies the french play along.

Despite the isolationist fears at the momment most of it is media reaction.

The U.K. puts in declared amounts of £50 million into the E.U. every single day and gets back less than about £15 million. So whatever those on the e.u. think..they can't afford to lose the U.K.

The reason is that as the e.u. expanded it took on many takers than givers, look at the many eastern european countries who havn't got a pot to piss in and like greece have fiddled the figures just to get into the eu hoping for a cash bonanza but now can't afford to pay back what it has borrowed.

So why has cameron been shrewd? simply because the way we were going the euro was becoming inevitable and we needed to halt it before it was too late. Also free of the eu we should now be able to re draw up the human rights act to a mandate for all and not just the criminal few

even despite the "we will marginalise the uk" rhetoric one thing is clear france is in just as bad a pickle as the italians who will be next to fall and when that happens germany will be the only one left to bale out everyone and I can't see the german people tolerating that.

so despite the yaya ve will rule da world klumpenstuff...i feel it is germany who has played a bluff game and cameron called them on it..because in 6 months time..no one will be able to afford to bail anyone out..let alone the germans

So for now I'm adopting a sit back and wait for things to settle to see what happens next...I suspect however..he might have played a blinder both overseas and with clegg on the way out...at home too
Not as sad as a country not having learnt a lesson about trying to take over 26 other countries

Germany is and no one can doubt it... Trying to be king of the table whilst trying to kid the others they all eat equally

The fact the veto was supposed to count but has now be shown as the veto counts only if Germany allows it.. Goes to show Germany with it's lap dog France... Very much see's others as lesser countries

And that dear chap is very much what the eu is all about
It's all Bollox. Heard it all before. Same crap pushed out by the media who wank the politicians off every day.
And the British Empire was what, 1/3 of the globe ?

Think the Germans are firmly in " he who pays the piper calls the tune" territory at the moment. And be in no doubt, they are being asked to pay.......
Here we go again Important and complex situations being discussed in terms of lazy, national stereotypes and cliches.

It has to be the fault of the nasty Germans wanting to over-run Europe, aided by those cheese-eating surrender monkeys, the French.

Rule Britannia !!!
Cameron just done a massive favour to the City ( financial institutions ) .
factories and manufacturers need the EU to survive .

lets just hope that the banks will return the favour..............................


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