94 zaskar

you mentioned that, all is well, i'm not sure how long air shocks work for, so.. i'll just pump it up some, and get cracking with wheels and things :D we'll have too get out on a ride soon though,
awesome, thanks alot buddy, rojo's a really good guy, great seller, i've had a few things from him, is it okay if i get my mum or brother too pick the forks up when you take them off? because i've gone too my nans, and won't be back till the 1st of august, and it'll help me finalise my plans for the FSR, if i don't use the syncros, i'll drop it by yours, and you can have it, if you need anything drop me a note and i'll see what i've got for ya, still rooting for a seatpost,

id love the syncros itll fit the judys i think thankyou,ill let ya know when your mum can come down