2015 Paris-Brest-Paris 1200km randonnée.


Finally caught up with the infamous "Bulge" and it's swimming with the living dead.

Most of the riders here haven't slept since Sunday and I've been riding past people lying in ditches , or just grinding to a halt on the climbs, not having the energy to unclip and just falling over into the road.

Must press on, as it gets really bad at night and I've been ridden into 3 times already.

Villaines - 1009 Km.

It's five past midnight, Mortagne - 1090Km.

Picture the scene - a man shouting at a bush "coffee! I want coffee"! Things are starting to get really weird. Apocalypse Now with bicycles.

One more control before Paris....

Allez Bugloss Allez!

Our intrepid rider passed the final control at Dreux 11:03 local time 1165Km ridden.

Crossing the finish line in Paris at 14:30 with a total of 1230Km Chapeau!

That is absolutely epic Adam. Well done. :D

Epic Bugloss! :shock: You're a legend! :cool:

Can't even begin to think of how I'd cope with that sort of ride



Anything I type is completely inadequate after such a ride.

Amazing, just amazing.