1992 Marin Team Issue project


BB is pretty easy, getting it out is the hardest and Marins can get pretty attached to their BB's!!?? I have had 4 now that have not released their BB's :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm:
Clean threads, a bike shop could chase the threads for you for not much money, then grease the Frame BB threads until the threads are covered - not too much, then find out which cup on your new BB is the loose cup, this will be the non drive side cup that screws in to the right(righty tighty lefty loosey) the cup that is attached to the BB goes into the drive side and it tightens to the LEFT and loosens to the right so a direct reverse to the non drive side.

A little grease on the BB to cover threads is all you need, first in goes non drive side until you have 3-4 lines of thread showing(lightly grease the inside of this cup so that it does not bind to the BB overtime) then the drive side goes in, gently at first while it lines up and gets guided in by the non drive side cup. Tighten the drive side right up tight then tighten non drive side cup until it is tight and snug.

BOOOM done.

Ride for a week and then check everything is still tight and snug then ride some more!!

Hope I did not confuse. Paul

Hey Mr T, any progress on your Team Issue? Or too busy out riding it to update the thread? :D

Hi there

No more progress since last update I'm afraid , had a lot going on , and it's still ongoing sadly.

Funny enough , I was thinking about the unfinished bikes in the garage the other day and I am not going to have time this summer to do them I don't think ( I have the team issue , a 91 avalanche and a 93 Stumpjumper all to have bottom brackets , cranks and cabled up )

So , I've spoken with a mobile bike mechanic who will come over one day and sort them all in one hit for me for a good price. Not really in the spirit of retrobike I know , not doing it yourself but I have no time and I'd like them finished.

Soon as I have any news I'll update the thread , promise :)