18" Stumpjumper M2 Comp frame no reserve


ha. you gotta be kidding - with a user name like "iamtheholocaust" on ebay I'd never buy anything from you, as I hope other forum members wouldn't as well. disgusting.
Re: iamtheholocaust?

ShabbaDeuce":m40zyjxa said:
ha. you gotta be kidding - with a user name like "iamtheholocaust" on ebay I'd never buy anything from you, as I hope other forum members wouldn't as well. disgusting.

Eh? It's my Xbox username you twot. You know for when im charging around killing aliens in Halo. If you are suggesting I am a racist you can quite frankly f... Off as you are jumping to way too many conclusions
The world knows or cares nothing about your xbox games. That's a very offensive user name. I wouldn't buy anything from you.
Its honestly not a connection I made until the previous poster commented on it. So please enlighten me then, is every time the word holocaust used from now on a reference to the 2nd world war? I think not. So please get a life and jog on. I have been a forum member here for 5 years and have had no problem with any sales during that time and I am pretty sure I won't lose any sleep over you and your opinions of me.
well i am glad that our two toronto members pointed that out.
i neither would buy anything from anyone claiming to be a locust.disgusting
Again I shall say its not a connection I made. Sorry if you are all offended. It's a stupid name that I dreamnt up whilst playing Xbox for god sake. No malice was intended. I mean come on! You are all insinuating that I am some kind of animal!! Over an eBay username!! If you don't want to buy my frame then I don't really care but do not accuse me of being something I am not. You are implying I am a racist. I am most certainly not. I have 2 Chinese step brothers and a nephew who is half Mongolian ffs! How the hell can I be a racist!!
no i wasn't having a go at you it was meant to be a bit lighthearted - locust? backfired a bit :oops:
it's people who take offence at someone's username for something totally unrelated that i was more offended by.
i bet they had a fit when 'cannibal holocaust' was released
Crikey, some people need to get a life! So basically, if i said my middle name was Adolf and i was going to use that has my Usename, would that cause offence. Give the bloke a break, it was obviously an honest mistake.

Mick, i wasn't referring to you. I noticed you'd tried to lighten the mood. ;)
Really sorry about that sausage :oops: I wasn't sure about the locust bit, thought it was an iPhone typo. But yeah people completely misinterpreting my username is a bit worrying. I don't want to be thought of as a bad person on this forum as I've been a member for so long.

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