Daryl Funk Frame - £75 posted


Dirt Disciple
I'm not doing anything with this frame, had it for a quite a while and it's been lurking in my wardrobe so i guess it's better off going to a home where it will be built into a working bike and ridden/loved like it should be rather than cursed and sworn at every time my gf opens the wardrobe door.

Dunno much about the frame to be honest - one slight bit of chainsuck on the chainstay as pictured but to be fair the frame is in surprisingly decent condition - could really do wi a polish but i've never bothered - rather a nice orange fade to gold.

Frame number is A0904A1260 - i tried to contact "Funk Cycles" on a number of occasions by email as well as phonecalls to garner info about the frame but i never heard anything back so perhaps you will be lucky or maybe you know someone who can personally slap Daryl and tell him to answer his fkin emails or phone messages.

I have absolutely no clue as to what it's worth so i'll set the price at £75 posted, unless you have other ideas as to it's worth.

Quite a small frame size :

Centre of Bottom Bracket to Centre of Top Tube - 12"
Centre of Seat Tube to Centre of Head Tube - 20 1/4"
Centre of Bottom Bracket to Centre of Rear Dropout - 17"
Head Tube Length - 4 1/4"
Head Tube Dia - 1/18th
Seat Tube Dia - 30mm.

Any other questions then please ask away and i'll attempt to answer them but i know nowt about the frame or where it came from/how old etc..

IMG_1212 by kennyl, on Flickr[/img]

IMG_1213 by kennyl, on Flickr[/img]

IMG_1214 by kennyl, on Flickr[/img]

IMG_1216 by kennyl, on Flickr
IMG_1215 by kennyl, on Flickr[/img]
Pic of slight chainsuck
nae bother suburbanreuban - i see you own a soulcraft.....utterly fantastic frames eh?, best bike i ever owned and i'd sell a kidney to be able to buy another frame from sean. I owned (still do actually but it's broke in half and hanging on my wall) a 2004 option 3 but i did this to it up at the singlespeed world champs in 2007 at aviemore - i hit an unfinished bench in the town centre at night - ouch!.

It's very first ride was at the singlespeed euro champs 2004 at aviemore and it's last ride was at the singlespeed world champs 2007 at aviemore...rip soulcraft...sniff...sniff

deadsoulcraft #1 by kennyl, on Flickr[/img]
Yeah..that is my blood on the downtube....
How it used to look below

rigid soulcraft by kennyl, on Flickr[/img]

All the best.

:shock: :shock: :shock:


How fast were you going? That's one hell of a bad crash damage.

Any swaps on the Funk please too while I'm here?
Pretty much flat out spinning 32x16 along the main street of Aviemore nxt to the station, fast enough to do this to my ugly mug when it hit the deck....


Wasn't as bad as it looks, lost a front tooth, needed a nose job and a few stiches and left wi a few scars but it could've been a helluva lot worse.

I dunno what i need in way of swaps? - what have you got?...oh!, i may be after a decent set of v-brake wheels..or at least a mate of mine is.
:shock: Jesus..

That doesn't look nice at all..

I might have some, A few forks and a frame or 2 floating around too.. Some other things too. Brakes and groupset parts etc..
I've got quite a few old frames lying around and a mahoosive box o' bits etc so i doubt i need anything that way but i guess i may be be persuaded to swap the funk for a decent set of v-brake wheels - preferably old style hope hubs with decent v-brake rims.

It's not as bad as it looks really - i still made it out the following morning for a ride after spending the night in Raigmore hospital, albeit on a borrowed rigid old skool square tubed pace thanks to martin fae Fat Tread Bikes...it did rattle the fcuk out of my aching face n' head though and needless to say i couldn't get my helmet on.
That's not pretty. :shock:

I was thinking of the Funk for my daughter... :roll:
Then I remembered she has two bikes already, and hasn't tiidied her room yet, and I'm skint.
Who needs three bikes anyway... :LOL:
Lovely looking frame though!