because I have this stupid delusion that I can ride like Hans of I get the bike(s) I lusted after as a teenager...only to fit it with street tires and be terrified of every 6 inch drop off I go "full send" from......this scenario repeats over and over again, filling my garage with antiquated equipment that will never be ridden to its outdated potential.
Why do I collect them? They don't make them like they used to anymore, so I really have no other choice than to bag them as long as I am able to...
And one more thing.
A mass-produced (OK, not that mass) '95 Breezer Lightning is still second to none today if we talk about fine iron. And there are a gazillion other retro high end bikes/frames which certainly deserves recognition even today from that era.
An era gone long ago, but not forgotten, at least by these mofos, yeah, you and yours truly.
Why do I collect them? They don't make them like they used to anymore, so I really have no other choice than to bag them as long as I am able to...
And one more thing.
A mass-produced (OK, not that mass) '95 Breezer Lightning is still second to none today if we talk about fine iron. And there are a gazillion other retro high end bikes/frames which certainly deserves recognition even today from that era.
An era gone long ago, but not forgotten, at least by these mofos, yeah, you and yours truly.
Pretty obvious but worth reminding. If there was no retro MTB collecting a huge part of the history of the sport would be lost or only be available through bad quality images on the web.
I collect them because they don't make them like they used to. I have made all neo retro builds with my MTB frames and I am expecting another last mountain bike a Garry Fisher Hookoo Ekoo in True Temper optibutted with a mix of XTR 980/XT 780T and Race Face. I also have many road bike projects whether in steel and aluminium. Good steel tubing like the Dedacciai DR 01, Dedacciai DR 0, Reynolds 631, 753, 708,731 and 853 Columbus Genius, Columbus Altec, Columbus Altec 2, Dedacciai 7003, Dedacciai SC 6110, Cannondale CAAD4 and Trek Alpha are also why I stick to older bikes. One of my best steel framed MTB is without a doubt the 1998 Kona Kilaeua
I dont collect retro bikes, I buy a frame I like to suit the purpose of bike I want to build, usually
its a 2nd hand frame in need of a total refurb and why its cheap, or its old and cheap.
I'm often chasing that perfect bike I want to build but things keep changing, wheel size, frame geo,
tyre widths, axle sizes, forks, components etc and as a result I have built up a collection over the past
38yrs and as I buy things I like and very rarely do I sell stuff the boxs, storage space have filled and
here I be.
Still ride all the bikes that are complete and have frames ready for painting, building, parts to source
in there respective size it just does not stop, its an itch and the process is fun : )
Heres last years pick ups.