Talon Chainrings


Retrobike Rider
I was going through my chainring collection today, I have some nice Talon rings, they all seem to be DH oriented or at least the feel it get.

Any year for these, era, fan base?
Come fixed to a heavy duty board/wood.

Look excellent quality (I also know they made the rings for PACE bitd iirc).

Animal and MBUK awarded etc?

What's the deal with them?

I've seen Talon on motorbikes over the years, especially motorcross.... Probably not the info you wanted. Maybe when motorcross stuff started filtering into DH (think UFO jerseys, renthal bars etc), so mid to late 90's?
I dont have definite info but, they are typically pre-internet/url.
I still use them myself ben. The middle on the marin shifts well and done 100's miles. Just need some (x5) copper shums to jig it either way, as they are typically thicker alloy. 20220618_144747.jpg
A quick on the loo search shows they make/made Thorn rings for SJS Cycles too.

Let's see what else people know.

I see there is a dump of slightly different style rings on ebay too.