Shifter Brake mounting order?

The History Man

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Just popped on Deore thumb shifters and brake levers. Which should go on first or does it matter. Combination I have sits better with brakes closest to stem but seems odd compared to pics I can find.

Will Style Police come calling? Again :facepalm:
Depends on the type of levers. 2 or 1 finger brake lever blades would generally get mounted outboard, longer ones inboard. Plus there's an element of personal preference.

I think the style police are generally only interested if you don't have them angled down far enough so the back of your hands aren't roughly in line with your forearms - horizontal, or so low your elbows are round your ears would earn a good pistol whipping on the way to the cells ;)
Put the shifters on first (closest to the centre of the bars), then the brake levers, then the grips.
Anything else is just weird.
For thumbies the tight clearances of the cable exit from the clamp usually means they have to go inboard. It's slightly awkward if you have big levers like older Maguras.
Hmmmm. Looks like I got it wrong again! They sit ok with brakes inboard? Will put cables on ths morning and post a pic. Bit weird but other way round was worse.
would have said shifters (inboard), then brakes, if look at where shifter pods sit on the combi levers it's inboard to levers.

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