Rossin Prestige Team build

I don't think the stickers help much with dating.

What can we say?

1. Not 1988 - not in the catalogue. Older or newer?
Newer. Why?
Internal cable routing. (All pics I can find of 87 Rossins have external).

So how much newer? 1992 the year Rossin was bought out? I can't beleive this was a post buy-out bike.

So either 1989, 1990 or 1991.

In terms of component choice, that's a pretty good window. In terms of colour scheme, you've got a pretty good range already.

NB have you seen this: another Rossin nut. Plenty of Prestige pics. ... results=10
Dr Bond,

I agree with you, i am not so sure about the link as there are a few odd things there - a mid-eighties frame with chrome forks which are not like mine but i suppose they may have been changed. I think that some pics etc only serve to muddy the waters and sweeping statements like 'mid-eighties' are never helpful. I do like the pics though!!

Any ideas if the tube decals are available?

On a final point the expression 'another Rossin nut' insinuates that i am a nut!!! How did you know? LOL

:D we revert to the playground!!!

My Dad's bigger than yours, NUT BOY!!! :D

Thanks Ian,

I am glad you are interested - i aim to please. Can you imagine a pair of very shiny DA pedals on the Rossin?



Not boring at all, not at all, very exciting really!!! A pair of these - lovely -

Very impressive indeed,


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