Roadie outing - 28th October - APPROX 60 MILES!


I have been rescheduled for work and now can make it on the 1st but not the 7th :roll:
If anybody is up for this weekend I can get down.
Up for it?

Is anybody up for this tomorrow?
Just I need to know as I will have to get ready this evening and leave around 5am.
Even a shorter ride somewhere off the A9 mid Perth to Inverness way?
Anybody, anywhere.................


Fair enough, its a bit late in the day I suppose, just I have had the weekends swapped and only have tomorrow off.
I wouldnt normally be so concerned but this is my first weekend off for over four months and yesterday was my very first day off since the Saturday we went to Ben Nevis in November :shock:
So I am up for joining whatever rides I can get to, have been getting plenty of miles in but a lot this winter on my own.

Just seen this Jamie - wish I'd checked in on saturday - I did a 46miler on sunday morning around the sidlaws, could easily have travelled up a bit to meet you.

One question I have about the proposed dates of the loch tay ride - if it is on easter sunday (the 8th) I'll likely not make it as I'll be rolling eggs and stuff. Could do the saturday (7th) though or the following weekend.

We really need this nailed down as it is only 1 - 2 or 3 weeks away.

Hi mate
I did a good few miles yesterday up here, just the three us, me, myself, and I :LOL:
Not a bad day though as I went for a decent morning ride, then watched Evens win the criterium International and then watched Albasini win for Greenedge at the Volta Catalunya, then out for another 30k's or so in the lovely late afternoon. So no complaints really ;)
I can now make it to the 8th as I will be down at the inlaws at Gartochan but I have a course to run in Glasgow on the Saturday.
Thats the current plan.

(the lonely guy)
I had expressed an interest in this however I can't make either the 1st, 7th or 8th. enjoy, and I hope you get this outstanding weather

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