I have a 13 year old, she is in the top two sets in her year, year 8, she moves to year 9 after the summer. she is just about reaching her targets for the end of year 9 but has lost her enthusiasm, getting her to do homework these days is like, falling off your bike without a helmet, PAINFUL :!: but let's not get into a helmet debate we wouldn't want that
What is the best way of encouraging a teen without resulting to saying things like "If you don't work harder you'll just end up at the bottom of the pile and no one will employ you!!!" and other such non helpful outbursts of frustrated a parent might say, haven't used these tactics yet, but used to get very cross with my older son and it just made him cross and resentful.
What is the best way of encouraging a teen without resulting to saying things like "If you don't work harder you'll just end up at the bottom of the pile and no one will employ you!!!" and other such non helpful outbursts of frustrated a parent might say, haven't used these tactics yet, but used to get very cross with my older son and it just made him cross and resentful.