NWA:Hayfield ~ Saturday 8th December 2012 ~ AFTERMATH - Pg1

cant do saturdays because the wife has work and i have the kids,
hoping to meet up soon and put faces to names,or if anyone has a man cave and wants to help me replace the headset on my trek y5 and do a brew i`m happy to pop over some night.
Owwww, that's hurting already! I'll get a couple of pics up later, but suffice to say that was a proper manly ride...

Rob, the offer's still there to drop in and we'll have a go at the headset, just been working lots recently. At the moment I've only got Monday booked though so hopefully get a bit of time next week :)
The Report
Arrived at Pete’s for ten, as there was only going to be two of us there was no rush, so we thought.
After a pre route tour of Pete’s bikes and bikes parts we headed out to Hayfield, where we took advantage of the free parking on the road.

It was 12.18 when we put foot to pedal after the usual pre ride faf and a couple of manly swigs of Bovril.


We followed the lane up from the car which lead us to the start of the bridleway and the 1st of many gates. The final tarmac stretch up to the gate was sheet ice and was bit of a worry, we headed onto the bridleway assuming it would be less smooth over the rocky bridleway.
The 1st climb was tough keeping the traction on the slippery surface and there was a bit of walking.


We continued over Edale Cross towards Jacobs Ladder, the temperature wasn’t too bad at 3 and 4°C and the climbing kept us warm, but by 13.30 it had dropped to 1°C/0°C, and was going to stay at this temp until we were back at the car later went it went up a degree.



The Bikes




Pete trys to convince his bike that it’s actually a good idea to continue

1988 Marin Pine Mountain

If you look just below Pete’s right hand grip you will see 2 people stood where we were heading next, we decided this 1st and the steepest part of the descent (Jacobs Ladder) would be best on foot.


Pete takes on the Ladder


Looking back at Jacobs Ladder, which is in the centre of the picture, this picture was taken just before the Chapel Gate section, which was tough but we managed a lot of it on the bikes

After Chapel Gate we headed over to Roych Clough, this section was done in reduced light and the last section of the Pennine Bridleway was done in the dark without lights, which took some heavy concentration. We met several characters on this last stretch
1) The guy with the cracked helmet and a warped rear disc he had smashed and had to remove, warned us of Ice around Roych Clough
2) The random fell runner who was wearing the man from the milk tray adverts outfit greeted us , as he appeared from an adjoining footpath in the dark
3) The optimistic rider who we met at gate after the Clough, he said it was fine further down as we stared at the sheet ice under our feet, he did have lights though
Back at the car for 16.45, ready for a night rain soaking whilst we cleaned the bikes and packed the car.

A memorable day out and some really nice views
that pine mountain is deee-licious :cool:

credit to you both for having a go at that, i would have gone back to bed, with the same dose of bovril.

thanks. :cool:

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