North East Rides; Nightrides and Thrunton- Join in!

Dr S":2qipfg48 said:
kaya":2qipfg48 said:
Dr S":2qipfg48 said:
Walked around Simonside yesterday. Let's say I'm itching to go back with a bike. Wed or Thurs night?

I'm going to have to get my backside up there with you lot sometime soon :roll:

Do you know, I was just thinking the other night if Vern would be up for an evening ride before winter kicks in. I could finish work early and be down your manor for around 6-ish. We could head up to the moors or do Gisbro' woods or something? Nice autumn colours at all that.

What do you say?

Always up for an evening ride and the trails are super fast and dry at the moment :cool: I'm working next week though so would have to be the following week :cry:
Not too sure at the moment. Crazy busy at work again. Deffo not tuesday or wednesday but an outside 14/1 bet for thursday.
Dr S":a3bdsej0 said:
Not too sure at the moment. Crazy busy at work again. Deffo not tuesday or wednesday but an outside 14/1 bet for thursday.
Ok, any word on the hemlock?
My local riding buddies are doing a evening ride and BBQ at Kielder on Saturday 2nd October. Kick off is at 4pm. Anyone fancy joining in?
Dr S":25qa8pwz said:
My local riding buddies are doing a evening ride and BBQ at Kielder on Saturday 2nd October. Kick off is at 4pm. Anyone fancy joining in?

Is that the chaps I went to the pub with (after Thrunton and it was somebodys birthday)?
Yeah, there are usually around a dozen of them on the weekend rides though. Should be a good turnout.
Dr S":qd83fb9q said:
Yeah, there are usually around a dozen of them on the weekend rides though. Should be a good turnout.

BBQ in the car park or at the top of dead water fell?
In the car park. Don't fancy dragging a BBQ, gas bottle, cool box, case of beer, 2 dozen chairs and a gazebo up to deadwater really.

Btw, ordered a light off Troutie today. Should have it for the end of the month. Got a red one to match the Yo :cool:

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