hmmmm....the opposite of 'leave no trace'....


Old School Grand Master
Now this is a great bit of filming, no two ways about it - great drone piloting, excellent close shots, good use of slo-mo - but I am not sure that I am ok with the amount of damage which two guys can wreak doing just one pass. We were annoying to walkers and horse riders just by our presence on bridleways in the 90's and, after careful easing into acceptance, the idea that we now should actively chew up the planet to this extent doesn't really seem....right.

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Probably best if you never watch redbull rampage...

(but I generally agree, although it's a different kettle of fish in america)
Ah … I certainly do watch Rampage - and Darkfest - but I guess I feel those are specific sites for specific events while these videos encourage widespread digging and general ruckus
Maybe I should just accept it as exactly that - just a temporary rearrangement of particles - it just seems a lot more destructive than that
If there's no conflict where they're riding I see little harm being done - that'd return to nature in just a year or 2.

It's not my cup of tea, but we (humans) are doing FAR worse every minute... even agriculture to feed us does more ecological harm than their trail.
indeed wise words THAT is incontestable (and indeed my job involves dong something about all that....) ...
The thing is, I totally agree with you - leave no trace. We walk a lot, and pick up after others - we pulled a small bag of rubbish off Snowdon earlier this year, but just by being on Snowdon, we were a part of the problem of that area.

what to do then? I just make sure that i'm behaving better and leaving less impact than 90% of other people. I doubt I am, but I do try. They dug a small trail. What about a football pitch, or golf course...