Grafton Maglite and Maglite ultralight?

@Smithjss70: "Pictures of what"?

Neelix wants to post pictures of himself! :cool: Hahahah....
This is why he asked very politely: Pictures?

Yes, you can post whatever you want here....but normally it should be vintage mtb related...
so if you are so keen on posting a picture of yourself, do it with a nice vintage mtb, ok?

If you would like to see a picture of original Grafton Maglites in champagne....look at all the vintage John Tomac posters of his
Raleigh JT with ti most he had the Maglites in black in some in champagne....

We also have them in champagne in our collection, but our secretary who makes pics of vintage stuff is currently ill with Co-Video Nr. 19
@ NeeLix:
:cool: Thanks, man!

Sth else:
A funny, (90's term) yet sadly nowadays under-employed term/word:
RAGGAMUFFIN (you know that word?)
=> "Rag, ol' hag & Muffin", woof woof! Hahaha
One of our latest vintage mtb's a vintage Mountain Goat Whiskeytown Racer in NOS condition
was picked up AND (even) delivered still being NOS(!) by such a funny, rare specimen! ;-)