Glentress 9am & Innerleithen 11am ! September 12th Is G

Haha, that's got to be a first- Glentress described as a warm up.
Great ride and fine company as ever. Big thanks to Velo for putting it on. Lookin forward to Big Ecks prose. Will add thoughts and pics sometime over the weekend.
Knackered and off for a bath and a curry- fook the diet, I've earned it.

My laptop is at work so can't do piccies tonight. Just too tired to move.

Everyone home safe?
Another great day :cool: , fantastic weather, Klunker was good fun except during some very sketchy moments on the first Inners downhill :shock:, totaly knackered now though, will sleep tonight for sure :LOL:
Got home, passed out on couch for an hour, woke up, ate a packet of cashews and drank a half gallon of orange juice and am just out the bath now. Weather was absolutely cracking, final t-shirt suntan of the year I reckon, back of neck is feeling quite itchy...

That might be my new favourite border trail (not that I know many, mind). Knocks Glentress Black into a cocked hat (not so bloody rough for a start), and the downhill stuff is really nice and varied and just seems to keep on keeping on.

Dr S was the only one with enough nouse to mind and bring his camera, so we'll just have to be patient. Kaiser stole the best crash of the day award within minutes of leaving the car park, keeling over on the initial climb into a nice big patch of nettles. I reckon it was just my bad vibes as I got close. Hell of a climb up to Minch Moor, although it's not all uphill. There was a huge arse dip about a quarter of the way up that just hurtles you down and back up again, with a wee bit of air at the end - relatively smooth and nice and straight, it looked worse than it actually was - I think we all summoned the courage up and careened over the edge at least once, hopefully some good photies there. Pretty technical climb in places though, rock steps and the like, and it got nice and rocky as you approached the summit.

A break for a wee dram, some banter and more photies at the top. The view really is tremendous, feels like you are looking out over half of Scotland and possibly some of England.

First section of downhill down the other side flowed quite nice, swoopy, gravelly on the corners and a wee bit of air time if you felt the need. No need to push it too hard to enjoy it. The track then ran into a short bit of very narrow forest track that just seemed to urge you on to go faster and faster, till you see the panic brake bumps and fence looming at the end! Brilliant.

Out of the trees and a short bit of forestry track over to the second section of downhill. This was really nice, started tame enough, tracking the contour of the hill back and forwards, and then it threw in a couple of reasonably technical step downs, and then a bunch of rock garden thingies - happily most of those were on the flat, nothing too steep or mental. Trail flowed really well into the trees again, really enjoyed this section it just seemed to click for me. Not sure about the wee climb at the end though!

Final section after a wee bit more forestry track, and we met up with a big group of riders. We let them go, then Dave gets the red mist, and goes and terrorizes their tail end mincers, and big eck does the same for good measure. It started pretty technical, three drops I think, the chicken runs were bad enough, and mandatory air (according to the warning signs) if you decided you weren't feeling like poultry. Absolutely huge rollers dominated, with a few table tops, jumps and tight turns thrown in. Didn't really enjoy this quite so much (was all over the place in the air today), although I was in the minority.

Then back to car park finishing the day with cheese burgers, ice cream cones and our goodbyes. Props to the klunkers, it wouldnae have been me! I'll leave you with the observation that all the girls that like mountain biking would seem to be downhillers (hmmm) and quote of the day from Dr S... ' Inners f*cked my Schwinn'.

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