
These are the ones I've weighed and will include hangers where applicable. All years are approximate. I think the first 3 are very good for frames designed for more aggressive riding.

1999 Sintesi Snake - 1724g
1998 Arrow DSS - 1814g
1997 Curtis RaceLite24 Prototype - 2041g
2001 Curtis SuperX - 2812g
Wow, the quoted is the same as what you measured.
That's not normal for bike manufacturers :LOL:
But I think Brodie is not a normal manufacturer…😋

Also is among the few to quote on his catalogues the weight of his frames.

I am just curious to see if you one can make a lighter MTB steel frame at the same size from that time (mid 90s). Maybe a Dekerf?
19" 97 Kona Hei Hei 1643g, or 3.6(ish)lb
19" 97 Gary Fisher Hoo Koo E Koo 2125g, or 4.7(ish)lb
19" 97 Bontrager Privateer 2075g, or 4.6(ish)lb