fat chance



Hi there ! I've just discovered this web-site...I've been into Fats from the beginning, I've two 'eddys and a '95 Ti. How does one post pics ?? any help ?? Cheers John ( Worcestershire )
HEY fella!

Send me them to my email address (see profile) and I will pop them on a server for you.

Alternatly - send em to John and he'll put them in the gallery.
jon we're doing a ride 18th september @ the forest of dean pedalaway centre. could you make it?
i could do yes...know it well, used to ride there before all the tracks got surfaced and sanatised !
yeh dont worry about that. after doing the "safe" FODCA trail we've got a local mate to show us all the good stuff :D

PM me for specifics :)

get those pics of your FATs scanned and up on the site. Two Yo's (one of them in Fat's finest colour - grello) and a Ti, very nice indeed.