Corbyn v Trump make your choice

Mike Muz

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Hi folks

Just a bit of fun. I hope.

Which of those two are most unelectable, and why? I appreciate on a different scale in world politics..

Trump: Dangerous that such a backward man may become leader of such a powerful country.

Corbyn: Will IMO never win a general election, so why are so many people desperate to join the Labour party to vote in their own leadership election?
Tories scretly joining to scupper the hopes of Labour?
Militants seeing him as their biggest hope

Your thoughts

I think the whole world is looking for change, so instead people are looking for a total opposite from the norm.
Corbyn to my mind is trying to be what labour was, a fair notion and if thats what the labour party supporters want as a majority so be it. Trump on the other hand will probably instigate WWIII and will plunge America into economic melt down going by his list of business failings and I don't like him which is more to the point.
I suppose the biggest global risk would be Trump being elected. He'd probably win in a fight, too.

However, IMHO the Corbyn phenomenon is a reaction to the soundbite and opinion poll politics of the last 20 years.
It has been shown time and time again that the electorate love a politician (on all sides) who seems to have principles and stands by them, but they just don't vote for them when the time comes.

Two ways for any UK political party to operate:

-Have a stance based on a firm set of principles (ie: Socialism, Internationalism, neo-Liberalism, Neo-Conservatism, Capitalism etc. etc.) and promote those in the hopes of persuading a majority to vote for them, but risk the possibility of never taking power.
-Hold a looser position on the political spectrum and vary policy according to public opinion (generally towards the 'lowest common denominator' centre-ground to win in our first past the post system) in order to win an election and get the power to carry out policy, albeit tied by a watered down compromise manifesto.

I am torn between these two stances when it comes to the Labour Party. My heart is with the Socialists and Corbyn, and I am very glad to see them having a voice, for the sake of our democracy. However, my head is sensible enough to see that in politics high principles for change are worth very little without power to carry them out (ie: Owen Smith).

This dichotomy is reflected in the split between the Labour MPs (who do have a mandate from the general electorate of their own constituency, and some power at least) and the long-disenfranchised Socialist-leaning party membership who have seen their party taken over by New Labour centrists in the pursuit of power since the death of John Smith.
In 30 years of voting, I have never managed to get the constituency candidate who I voted for into power thanks to our system and the mix of the electorate in the places where I have lived...but I keep on voting.

All the best,

I was going to post an image of Cruella De Vil, but they are all too attractive to compare to Theresa May.

Anyone but Corbyn seems to be the approach of the Labour machine. If only they kept faith with the Tories ability to carry out similar self destruct maneuvers.

Is May really electable?

I reckon a solid couple of years backing Corbyn and hacking away at the Tories would be wise; and then slip in a more electorate friendly chap or chapess with enough time to gather momentum for the election.

I don't think Corbyn could hack away at a wet paper bag if I'm honest. Sadly, as I'd normally vote Labour.
Where was he during the Brexit build up? They need a strong leader. Corbyn as leader will consign them to being opposition until the membership realise someone else would be better. However long that is.

Surprised Tom Watson hasn't shown interest in leading the party.

Let's see if May holds her ground on the minimum wage issue. Being pressurised by business leaders, surprise, surprise!

Also how she deals with the Chinese, over Hinckley Point

Interesting times

Surprised Tom Watson hasn't shown interest in leading the party.
Playing the long game, perhaps? It would be very hard for anyone to keep the membership supporting them in an MP-backed coup against Corbyn at the moment.

I think perhaps he is wise enough to be waiting for Owen Smith to fail in his current attempt and Corbyn to be dropped as unelectable well before the next election. This would open the way for a 're-uniter of the party', non-Islington, state school, non-Oxbridge candidate with a Milliband/Corbyn credentials, campaigning CV, shadow cabinet experience and some Union backing to come to the rescue...

Thursday 7 May 2020 :shock:

All the best,

I am suggesting the party unite as Labour, and fight the fight, regardless of who is leading.

Tom Watson?

No chance. He is too fat, too young and far too gay.

Gay women is one thing. Really, I don't think a gay man is electable just yet.

I would love to be wrong about that, but I just don't see it.

Said it before, but I think Dave Miliband will return.

Damn when I saw the title, I thought it was going to be a fight to the death between them :roll: :facepalm:

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