Aren't people inexplicable


Retrobike Rider
Gold Trader
About 6 years ago I got friendly with a woman with kids at the primary school my children attend or attended. She was very nice and we shared many a coffee and children's party together then 4 years give or take she stopped talking to me, cold glances, totally ignoring me even when forced to stand together. Today at my 9 year olds play she came up to me and complemented my son's performance asked about my oldest son before moving off, a couple of mins later she stopped me again and asked if I was generally in during the week and could she pop round for a chat as it's been ages.

It astounds me, why give me the cold shoulder for so many years then talk as if ages is a matter of weeks not nearly half a decade :shock:

What's your weird experience of people been?
That, generally speaking, people are pretty weird, lol!

About 4 years ago she probably heard that you'd joined the dark side of Retrobike and feared for the sanity of those you were in contact she probably needs her kids bike fixing...or you've become 'cool'...or both....
Have you thought that maybe she has been thinking the same thing, and that by coming to speak to you the other day is her way of making an effort?

Sometimes we can read far too much into something that could be as trivial as a simple misunderstanding to begin with.

**Obviously I don't know the situation so can't comment on anything apart from what has been written above**
Nah, definitely not a misunderstanding, as one day she was friendly, the next she was not, like we had had a blazing row about something and the next day were refusing to talk to each other.

Funny though.

I am more than happy for her to pop over any time she likes.

I hope her hubby hasn't become a Retrobiker and is now going to say "You know what that Alison has written about you."

Hi Alison,I have had that happen to me,Happened after a break up of a relationship with a local girl,,suddenly I got the cold shoulder from some peeps..years later I got to the bottom of it,but had no idea at the time,,,Maybe "someone said sumfing"?...
Makes me smile now as I enjoy my "bad boy" image,,
The ex on the other hand has been almost totally ostracized by all the locals,,and has the label of being a trouble causing bitch! While I have largely returned to being the wonderful ,caring and funny guy I have always been,,lol.With the added advantage of being able to make a few of the local "haters" feel very uncomfortable just by looking at them,,
My money is on the malicious gossip machine.
Your probably right, I had been going through a bad patch for a while, I had a little baby, and one day I was at one of my children's plays or something and my health visitor was there and the woman she was next to suddenly said to me "How did your son's barium meal go?" I was confused then the health visitor said to her "You've got the wrong mother" I though, she's braking confidence, which was confirmed when my oldest son came home from school telling me things my health visitor's son had told him, which were only known to her and my GP, very personal things. I wrote a letter of complaint to no avail, but she was in contact with the woman I was talking about as she had a very young child as well. One of the things my health visitor told her son was she thought I was an unfit mother.

My money is on the malicious gossip machine.

If you know who it is, shoon't you be having a word? Tell this 'Mark' what you think?

Might get it out in the open and more easy to sort out.
Hi again,It's a shame that a lot of so called health professionals , don't spend more time looking at themselves than judging others.I understand the need for confidence having worked with lots of "troubled youths", a few of them have told me things that could have put them in jail for a very long time and have been playing on there minds and holding them back..I felt privileged that they trusted me,,would rather die than divulge..
I have enjoyed your posts in the past,having had similar experiences with self harm,mental health problems and the dreaded alcohol,,I take my hat off to you for your honesty and helping to break down the stigmas society seem so keen to adopt..
You seem like a decent caring person to me,,,and if anyone decides to dislike you based on second hand gossip,,,F**k 'em,,not the sort of person you want in you life anyway,,
People hey!
Peace and love ,
fun at fiftyish":axhcwxt3 said:
Hi again,It's a shame that a lot of so called health professionals , don't spend more time looking at themselves than judging others.I understand the need for confidence having worked with lots of "troubled youths", a few of them have told me things that could have put them in jail for a very long time and have been playing on there minds and holding them back..I felt privileged that they trusted me,,would rather die than divulge..
I have enjoyed your posts in the past,having had similar experiences with self harm,mental health problems and the dreaded alcohol,,I take my hat off to you for your honesty and helping to break down the stigmas society seem so keen to adopt..
You seem like a decent caring person to me,,,and if anyone decides to dislike you based on second hand gossip,,,F**k 'em,,not the sort of person you want in you life anyway,,
People hey!
Peace and love ,

Cheers mate :D

I think people think one should not be open on these subjects, but if one cannot talk about difficult subject's then they never get sorted both at home and in the world at large.

I just think people are strange in general but then again it might just be me as I am the same as Alison and Mark.

This happened to me many many years ago, I was sitting in my favourite cafe enjoying a nice cup of tea and a sandwich, a person I had known at school (Bully, and all round nasty piece of work), came in and sat across the table from me, stinking, high, and rancid. He said he needed my help as he felt like he wanted to end it all, so me overflowing with the milk of human kindness helped him.......

I pointed in the direction of our local river, a notorious black spot and said 'the river is down there just jump in it won't take long' .

No I don't feel bad as he is still about and if he had be at all serious he wouldn't be asking for pity (money).

Bad man aren't I :?: :?:

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