1992 fire mountain joe murray - heavy?


Dirt Disciple

I picked up a pretty clean 92 fire mountain a couple of months ago - always wanted one as a youngster!

I've cleaned it up and sorted it, but I'm really surprised at how heavy it feels - especially compared to my clockwork orange from the same year

its got (i think) 100% original stuff - including avocet seat, velocity stem / bars, project 2's, joe's clips / sleeve and everything

my question is - it is just a really heavy bike - or could i shed weight with better period stuff?

just deciding wether to keep it basically



At the risk of sounding like a prize Plum.. How heavy is it

since peolpes idea of heavy is subjective, a true weigh in and comparison to builds others have done would be the way to go.

my 1990 Cindercone is the heaviest bike I own but I wouldn't part with it

interested to know the outcome of this

You had to go up to a Lava Dome to get butted tubing. The Hahanna and Fire Mountain were plain gauge frame and forks so were fairly weighty in comparison. Still nice riding and looking bikes though :)
My 93 fire mountain is 27.5 lb with maguras, so I doubt yours is much heavier? LIkely that the clockwork would have been a more expensive bike than the fire mountain TBH.

Have you actually ridden it? I bet it doesn't feel heavy.