Found in my local classifieds...

Where is that one located?

I'm currently touring Italy, but will be coming back through Germany to the UK
All around the Frankfurt area...

Let me know if you want me to talk to the seller
Another round of findings. One of the oldest "mini-velos" you could find in Europe. Kettler City Hopper. It´s an adult bike despite of the looks, non-folding. This one available for €90

Kettler City HOpper.jpg
Now an early version of a cargo bike. Very similar to the ones used by the German post until recently. This rust bucket is available for €199

I didn´t know this thing existed, but probably many retro experts here might even have one. Proshift rear derailleur, similar to the Paul, this one available for €800

Proshift 1.jpg Proshift 2.jpg