Recent content by skillet

  1. S

    For Sale: 1994 Manitou HT restored - bright red

    Thanks for your comments. If it sells, great. If not, it will be wall art. :lol: Noticed you are looking for a Yeti Ultimate. I would love to have one of those too. Here is a great site showing a number of really nice Ultimates: Chris
  2. S

    For Sale: 1994 Manitou HT restored - bright red

    Brad, Just a couple clicks and you can have this lovely red one!! Robellion, You have a VERY nice Manitou! I love it all except for that little crack in the head tube. :lol:
  3. S

    For Sale: 1994 Manitou HT restored - bright red

    Thanks for everyone's comments. Williwoods, I appreciate your thoughts on this too. Personally, I think this will be fine. If you look in the <1997 forum, I posted some pics of my brand new 1995 Manitou HT that I am happily riding & racing. Yes, there are risks in cracks (as with any bike...
  4. S

    For Sale: 1994 Manitou HT restored - bright red

    If you are looking for a beautifully restored bright red Answer Manitou HT, check out this listing: ... :MESELX:IT
  5. S

    1995 Answer Manitou HT - New Old Stock!! what do you think?

    Thanks for the feedback! I am concerned about cracks but here is my theory: The 1995 frames have thicker head tubes where the cups press in. Plus I am using reducers (more meat!). I also have a suspension fork that is much more plush than the old Manitou elastemer forks most used back in the...
  6. S

    1995 Answer Manitou HT - New Old Stock!! what do you think?

    I recently was able to talk my local bike shop owner into selling me this frame that I have drooled over for the last 15 years. I always wanted this as my XC race bike. Sorry but not all the parts are period correct but it is what I could find and my total costs are low. It has less than 10...
  7. S

    PARKPRE, Proelite TITANIUM 1994 **new pic p.8**

    awesome bikes!! My first mountain bike was a 1994 Park Pre (Al-u-max I think it was called). I still have my old Park Pre jersey in the closet. Again, very nice! Chris
  8. S

    GT RTS - Reborn and Updated!

    Looks great! I have always loved the RTS's!