Recent content by andy---doe

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    San Marco Concor Supercorsa superleggera ... 1555.l2649
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    San Marco Concor Supercorsa superleggera

    This is the superleggera model which was the top model (I believe being slightly lighter than the standard Supercorsa) It is a beautiful genuine vintage saddle with its original box. I purchased this a couple of years ago from Italy with the view to fixing it to my Vintage Colnago, but have now...
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    L'Eroica Britannia 2015

    I did the event this year. I am not a big fan of camping so didn’t I ate very little of the food that was included in the price (perhaps 2 buns) So to conclude – I paid the set fee to ride 100 miles on public roads and bridleways that I could ride any day of the week for free – Yet I thought it...
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    L'Eroica Britannia 2015

    If you want exclusive, take a look at Hassop Hall - it's less than a mile away. Fantastic bar and restaurant that caters for the wealthy. The bedrooms (only about 10 of them) are a bit old/tired, but charming.
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    L'Eroica Britannia - Report & Photos; lets here your tales..

    Yes you may be right - but both my vintage bikes have glued on tubs and I don't have any spare cvintage clincher wheels - though I will get some. Interestingly though, both punctures were while on the road and the second bike didn't do any of the rough off road segments.
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    L'Eroica Britannia - Report & Photos; lets here your tales..

    Hi Montello It was interesting meeting you on the Saturday – I also bumped into another forumer after recognizing his bike. A great report, which I agree with apart from the signage, which I thought was poor. We must have been very close all the way around as I set off in the third batch of...
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    L'Eroica Britannia - this weekend

    Re: My perspective: I didn’t camp but will next year because the festival atmosphere was brill. It was largely organized very well from parking to checking in. The food stops had quality food, beer and even fizz at Chatsworth. The food stops could do with spacing out a bit more evenly. The...
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    L'Eroica Britannia - this weekend

    The weather forecast is looking good
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    L'Eroica Britannia - this weekend

    Yes I will be doing the 100, but only live 25 minutes from Bakewell so no way am I camping. I will probably come over on Saturday for a wander around.
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    L'Eroica Britannia - this weekend

    I must be a few watts short cos I did it this evening and it took me nearly 15 minutes! Picky taken just over the brow looking back towards Hope Valley
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    L'Eroica Britannia - this weekend

    Yep there will be loads of hills - but the one I mention is a whopper! Fortunately its fairly early on.
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    L'Eroica Britannia - this weekend

    I havn't been on most of the route but the hill that goes up from Edale is 15% and must be a mile and half plus.
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    L'Eroica Britannia - this weekend

    I am looking forward to it and can't decide on the ALAN or Colnago. The organizers now have a small shop selling T shirts and tops etc. They are good quality and will apparently be available at Bakewell over the weekend (at a cheaper price than the shop!) I understand the organizers have got...
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    Wanted: Black Concor Supercorsa

    Hi As the title - but must be in very nice condition please.
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    Help/ advice re vintage Alan bike.

    Sorry I can't be any help on the model or value, but I'm sure somebody will be along soon with some advice. Please don't sell it like that - spend a short time cleaning it and it will look lovely and command a far higher price.