Were all in this together

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Some real drama about this on the news..

One woman saying she'd be better off taking a pay cut and keeping the benefit..
Possibly if she's got a herd of kids.. but in reality probably not.
Well, just to ad my bit I'd be unsure if I'd even want to have kids and bring them up in this country anyway....the future prospects aren't exactly rosy are they!
Neil G":3c3v2b4r said:
Well, just to ad my bit I'd be unsure if I'd even want to have kids and bring them up in this country anyway....the future prospects aren't exactly rosy are they!

but that's exactly why often in poor countries they do lots of kids.
Think when you'll be old and skint living on a miserable pension...al least if you had kids they'd help you and give you the joy of being part of their lives....you know grandchildren and all of that... :LOL:
I must have misheard as I was convinced the cuts were for any family earning over a combined 44K.

Im all for drastic action to sort the dispicable mess Tony and his cronies have left this country in, but the longer this goes on the more I realise that, I, someone who:

never took out a single loan/credit card
never claimed a single benefit
paid tax since leaving uni
strived to educate and better myself with the opportunities handed to me (despite having to pay through the nose for uni when Labour came into government)

..am now worse of as a result of these cuts. Whilst the people who did all the borrowing/relentless breeding, are now going to be even better off.

Am I missing something?, or as the cost of living goes up and I have to make the pennies stretch further every month to afford the house & deposit for that house, and to put my child through an education in a school where 'hopefully' the kids arent running riot.... is it just me and the like whom are funding the country?

I really wish I had it in me a few years ago to say ''fook this, im gonna rinse the system for £50k on credit cards then retire to a council house and claim job seekers for the next 40 years...''

Well, at least whats left of my taxed wages is going towards paying for EU citizens to live here scott free and pop out several rug rats then bugger of back to eastern europe. Phew.

Im not bitter. much :LOL:
KeepItSteel":3gne3w12 said:
Well, at least whats left of my taxed wages is going towards paying for EU citizens to live here scott free and pop out several rug rats then bugger of back to eastern europe. Phew.

Im not bitter. much :LOL:

Mmm I am not sure what you mean exactly, maybe because being a European myself I don't know enough colloquial English?! :D
Anyway don't worry you taxes don't fund us bloody foreigners, actually it's the opposite: we're mostly young, healthy, working and we paying taxes so we actually fund your benefit claimers and elderly.
Without to mention that the huge numbers of British retiring abroad benefit of southern European heallth care without having ever paid a penny into the southern tax systems....

But Let's brotherly cheer together! Europe won today the Ryder cup! :LOL: I didn't even know that existed
Tusco":1y1sa3et said:
KeepItSteel":1y1sa3et said:
Well, at least whats left of my taxed wages is going towards paying for EU citizens to live here scott free and pop out several rug rats then bugger of back to eastern europe. Phew.

Im not bitter. much :LOL:

Mmm I am not sure what you mean exactly, maybe because being a European myself I don't know enough colloquial English?! :D
Anyway don't worry you taxes don't fund us bloody foreigners, actually it's the opposite: we're mostly young, healthy, working and we paying taxes so we actually fund your benefit claimers and elderly.
Without to mention that the huge numbers of British retiring abroad benefit of southern European heallth care without having ever paid a penny into the southern tax systems....

But Let's brotherly cheer together! Europe won today the Ryder cup! :LOL: I didn't even know that existed

I agree! much love to my European brethren.

(I love the young healthy ones who pay their pay. Especially the Polish chics..)
jamabikes":3l4avjbt said:
tintin40":3l4avjbt said:
personally i'd do away it CB. You people decide to have then that's your choice. And it's an accidents then you should bought some rubbers and taken the pill.
Why my tax goes on helping people have children i don't know. Their are to many humans on this planet. Should give me £££ for not having any 'little angels'

those kids will be the ones looking after you when you cant.

they will empty your bins

they will be your doctors

they will be your nurses

they will be your barman

they will be your politicians

they will be your bike mechanics

they will be your dentist

having kids may not be your life choice but it is a lot of peoples, and surely they should be given support by the people meant to support them.
And they will pay you your pension.
If you are lucky enough to earn over 44 thousand a year for god sake bring your own children up,if you can not afford to then do not have any.
It is simple really,the previous government was giving money away at an alarming rate.....(and I never got any of it) I have never claimed a penny from this system and have always paid into it,When my wife had a nervous breakdown a couple of years ago and came out of work we were down by 300 a week and we were entitled to nada nothing jack.................because I was self employed and if I gave up work then we would have been able to claim some money but not enough to survive :roll: The whole senario is a mess....

I was in a sports shop recently and a real chave toadie came in and proceeded to buy half the shop with money she was given by the government for popping out another illegitimate child :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: when I could barely afford a pair of cheap trainers :twisted: bllody disgusting or what :?: :?:
marin man":3aruq4eu said:
I was in a sports shop recently and a real chave toadie came in and proceeded to buy half the shop with money she was given by the government for popping out another illegitimate child :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: when I could barely afford a pair of cheap trainers :twisted: bllody disgusting or what :?: :?:

She can't have been a real chav because she would have got them in the pub off the back of a lorry otherwise.

It's not the amount of money people are earning that bothers me, it's the disproportionate way these lot are doing it. It's plainly not fair to have one person being paid £44k not getting it (even if they shouldn't anyway) and then two people getting £43k each getting it. It should be based upon combined salaries.

That is all.
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