TV programme back-in-the-day


Devout Dirtbag
Hi :?

might be a long shot but I'm racking my brain trying to remember the name of a TV programme shown in the late 80's. It featured a different "action" sport each week. One of these was mountain biking and I can vividly remember parts of it but not the name?? I thought it might be Hi-five ? but not absolutely sure.
Guys on hardtails in flouro lycra doing the kamikaze and races over here with people wearing furry ears on their helmets..Bunny hop competitions..etc.
My kind of sport! had to have one of those bikes after seeing that :D
Does anybody remember the name of the programme? it was on Saturday morning if I remember correctly..
it was hi-five,i worked on it a few times,building ramps for them to show bmx'ers on.there was also 'trans-world sport' which was quite similar.
Not this Hi-5 though... which my kids watch... :roll:

I remember some guy in that program racing a downhill course, French I think and he was clad in pink lycra...canti's squealing like banshee, Funny thing is that I can still remember that detail! :shock:
I'm almost certain that I taped that whole series, the one based in Queenstown was another I remember well. I would love to un-earth that in my parents loft, probably has Miami vice taped over it now. Even better I might find a stack of Mountain biking UK's in a box somewhere gathering dust, featuring the new Onza porcupine with it's great mud shedding capabilities :D I went out and bought a pair immediately even though I did'nt really need them, followed by the regulation Onza bar ends. God it's all flooding back, am I really that old :roll:

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