luckily we don't have kids and I don't plan on having any for a looooooong time. never had issues with dogs sleeping in our bed, the greyhound does it all the time. we already have two sheds, its got a kennel too, usually sleeps outside just the gf decided to let the dog sleep inside last night, once the fence is sorted the dog will be going back outside
just chased the bastard who stole my bike. was in next doors garden to come back for 2nd pickings. hes lucky he got away. will be waiting for him again. fucker even cut the netting to the kids trampoline.
raleighrider21":30n9ncf0 said:
luckily we don't have kids and I don't plan on having any for a looooooong time. never had issues with dogs sleeping in our bed, the greyhound does it all the time. we already have two sheds, its got a kennel too, usually sleeps outside just the gf decided to let the dog sleep inside last night, once the fence is sorted the dog will be going back outside

I think I have a recommendation

Either that, or those automated gun thingmies they had in Aliens - surely they must be real and available, now, for about 50 quid from some inner city estate.
will be working on making the sheds more secure next week. all the bikes are inside for now. cant stay like that though. gotta wait up for pc plod and his pcso chum to come round. starting to get pissed. plans for security so far -
anti climb paint on whatever walls could be climbed over + on some of the fence panels.
carpet grips ontop of the fence panels.
security lights + CCTV
screwing the panels into the posts as soon as i can get my drill from my grandads.
the dog will be staying outside almost 24/7 as soon as the fence is back up.

starting to get real pissed now.
FWIW, none of that will stop a determined thief. Anti climb paint and carpet strips? They'll just chuck a piece of carpet or a tarp over the wall. Security lights and CCTV? BB gun and a hoodie. Better built fence? They'll just go over it or get more violent with the panels.

The dog will make them think twice.
raleighrider21":3idkgq18 said:
just chased the bastard who stole my bike. was in next doors garden to come back for 2nd pickings. hes lucky he got away. will be waiting for him again. **** even cut the netting to the kids trampoline.

how do you know it was the same scrote who stole your bike?

could well be though, some thieves are both predictable, and stupid...

...when my mums house was vacated due to fire damage some cheeky sod broke in to see what was left :x , luckily a neighbour saw them leaving the house and called the Police.
The Police turned up a few hours later, only to find that the cheeky thief (this time with his sidekick) had gone back into the house to remove some larger items... and were still in there! :LOL:

Fortunately they were caught, although some items were never recovered :(

My mum has a (fairly big) dog, they would have thought twice about breaking in if the dog had of been there.
pretty obvious if anything, its the third night in a row now theyve come back, not many people in the area would even dare to try pinching anything from our houses but obviously these ones have guts. still waiting on police to come round before i can secure the garden and let the dog roam free in the garden. dog cant stay out there until its secure and cant touch anything out there until police have been. bloody useless.
if we still had my old dog (had to put him down in feb due to illness) this probably wouldnt of happened or if the gf had just left the dog outside id still have my bike. annoyed as hell.

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