the beginning of a long and very slow project


Retrobike Rider
Gold Trader
this is my cannondale - we eventually worked out in my previous thread that she's a year-end lash-up of a 1992 and 1993 M500 that's been cheaply resprayed.

for want of something better to do and my overwhelming need to spend money i dont really have, i'm making a project of her.

since this pic, the cheap riser bar has been sent to the place it deserves to go, and i have a kore flat on there in its place.

next on the target list are the modern mechs (they're acera's) the v-brakes and the poorly headset.

i also want to give her some painty love - probably black or a really deep metallic green. if anyone has any experience of ABC enamelling in nailsea giz a pm.

this thread will probably stop until i find some toys to play with. anyone fancy swapping some usable v-brakes (one avid SD, one Deore, deore levers, usable pads) for some cantis?


  • hpim0389_208.jpg
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It's kinda hard to see in that pic, but I reckon the paint on it now might be as good/better than an ABC job... I've had two bikes done, can't beat the price, but probably wouldn't use em for a nice restoration. One was my oldest MTB sprayed for my girl to use, the othe a very tatty proflex done in mat black. Some 'orange peeling' on both (tiny bubble effect). Fine for tatty / hack frames, not so good for loving restos in my opinion...

paint on there is very very soft - bolting the front mech on cuts it senseless.

yours is the first negative comment i've heard about their work.
well, payday has come, and as a result, my ebay watch list is as long as my arm.

the bike is now fully stripped apart from the headset cups - decided to leave those to a pro since i'm club-handed at the best of times. was delighted to see the UN-71 that i've had since 1997, and was 2nd hand when i got it, is still spinning freely.

decided i'm definitely going black for this one, with the bolt-on bits being silver and ano turquoise. stuff in the picture is about all that's staying from the previous photo, though i may have a line on some pepperonis


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Color Code

IMHO black is, well a little tardy on an mtb, go on be a devil and go for something bright and non Cannondale, the Phat tubes are just crying out for something Kleinesque!
oh but it's taken me so long to decide on black. it has to be RAL, and it has to go with the blue bits.... hmmmm

i'll throw it open then
Custom Paint

Cannondales always looked good in their yellow, would like neat with a nice Tiger/Zebra stripe Airbrushed over? Have you ever thought about having it dipped by Hydrographics @ Tadcaster? They can dip literally any pattern you want and its light and totally weather proof, Realtree Camo?
frame's not fancy enough to warrant anything clever really. quite liking RAL 2004 at the mo

Was pretty classy way back when, still feel it deserves some trick paint, just for surviving so long! (Aren't I the sentimental one!)
it's only the fact she's had a tough life that's getting her new paint at all.

she came to me through a police auction, having had a crude blow-over in the red you see, originally being a pale purple.

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