'Sherwood Pines Ride' 19 April

Caramba Kid":2c4nw5pm said:
Hi guys
Apolopgies for disappearing yesterday but felt guilty about my serious lack of fitness & asthma holding you all up :oops:
Despite the puffing & wheezing I really enjoyed it and want to say a big thanks to Matt for showing us some top singletrack & shooting a great video :cool:

really sorry you struggled - felt a bit guilty :oops:

never worry about holding us up though - I always enjoy stopping and talking bollocks about bikes in the breaks (except when it's really cold!!) :D
Cycled to work this morning and and I could feel Sunday catching up with me a little bit ;)

Caramba Kid, don't worry about disappearing; Orange71 is right, it's the talking bollocks that really counts :)

I'd be up for a evening/night ride some time soon. The place is open 'till 10pm now and the Bike Shop is open untill 8pm on a Wednesday. They also run a time trial on a Wednesday if you are so inclined :?

Also thanks for all your kind comments about the video...not sure about the Archers theme though, Rob :LOL:
i didnt ride yesterday , couldnt be bothered :LOL:

put in the usual 25miles today and felt quicker

next ride ill have slightly lighter forks , but a slightly heavier front wheel :LOL:

i dont own any lights though :(
perry":nbpdqaj3 said:
i dont own any lights though :(

I could lend you a basic one for your bars, a Hope Vision 1.

It's getting so light now we probably wouldn't need one anyway.

I blame my achey legs on trying to follow you up those hills on my singlespeed :LOL:
might take you up on the offer if we ever manage to throw together some dates everyone can attend

were so relaxed :LOL:

i think i have a small light kicking about somewhere but itl be no use whatsoever in the woods

your welcome to have a go on the dmr next meet , you might like it

i never ache just gradually get slower and end up needing some sleep . did feel like my eyes had sunburn though . i did 100miles last week before sunday . anyone know roughly how many miles we did in the end ?
We discussed that at some point, guesses from 15 to 25 miles...who knows, it's really deceptive in the woods. I didn't feel we had done any more than 15-20 really :cry:
I hadn't reset the cateye but it was close to 20.
I haven't got lights either so would be happy with an early evening spell leaving you lot to gallop into the gloom in Perry's dust.
Haven't ridden since Sunday but have just collected a Fire Mountain won on the bay (for Carol, honest). Pretty fair, needs some cables and a front mech. Also dropped the Cinder Cone off for its respray. I reckon the site should be re-named retro-broke 'cos I soon will be.
The Archers - appropriate for the venue, and your editing still works Matt .
Will try and fit with any evening / late afternoon that is suggested.

I wonder if we should set up an East Midlands group like the MacRetro clan? What should we call it?

EyUpRetro? :LOL:

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