Selling a car - should I blank out the number plate?

Chance of it happening - low
Consequences - severe
Ease of mitigating against risk - very easy

Given the fact that blacking the number plate out would have been easier than posting the posts asking about blacking out your number plate I'd say you might as well do it. No downside but a potentially high upside.

By and large fraudy type crims are starting to work via the net as opposed to real legwork - why make life easier for them?
Yes, but it wouldn't have prompted this informative discussion :)

Flippancy aside, you're right. The effort involved was trivial - but then I'm a computer genius - and the downside expensive and time-consuming.

I was more interested in why people do / don't do it. A point lacking in my original post .... I suppose in the back of my mind I was concerned I might be giving the impression I was trying to stop someone from doing an HPI check by hiding the number plate.

And on a side note, apparently, the theft of number plates (not cloning, just ripping them off a car and sticking them to another irrespective of matchnig model, colour etc.) is on the increase in line with fuel prices.
The "good" point about people stealing as opposed to cloning your plates is that you know they've done it and can report it prior to the bills etc piling up on the doormat.

To be honest, if you clone a plate of a smartish car (chose a repmobile for best results!)you're prob gonna get away with it - the legit car will most likely be taxed, insured etc etc and you'd be unlucky to get pulled.

Randomly robbing a plate off a mismatched car is doomed to failure eventually, especially with the systems in use on the motorway but as a short term solution it works fine!
jam1e":1c3k2vss said:
Chance of it happening - low
Consequences - severe
Ease of mitigating against risk - very easy

Same applies for :
* Staying inside in case you get hit by a bus
* Not riding your bike in case have a bad accident that seriously injurs you
* Spilling hot water down yourself when making a cup of tea

It's nowt but an urban myth I tell thee :)
Puts me off buying a car when it's blanked out TBH.

Never blanked mine out when selling.
Easy_Rider":14hu5jke said:
Puts me off buying a car when it's blanked out TBH.

Never blanked mine out when selling.

Puts me off too, even though i can understand why its done.

Incedently i've never done it and dont know anyone who has their car "cloned".

What about pics of your car on a car forum though ?, would the same precautions apply ?, what if someone else takes a pic of your car and posts it on the net somewhere with the reg exposed.
A friend of my brothers advertised his car online. Some time later some Police arrived at his house and took him away for questioning with regards to a serious crime! (armed robbery maybe cant remember)

It does happen!
CTK":10rkabq9 said:
A friend of my brothers advertised his car online. Some time later some Police arrived at his house and took him away for questioning with regards to a serious crime! (armed robbery maybe cant remember)

It does happen!

Makes me wonder....who would use their own car registered in their own name and at the correct address and then go and commit armed robbery! If this did happen then i think Police knew he didn't do anything and just wanted help to find the real culprits....

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