Ringle Holey Ti Replica Skewers

have seat binders been made with the thicker axle w/ bigger barrel nut and slightly shorter but fatter spring? or is it only the collared version?
I ordered a seat post skewer but the axle length was way to long so I'm assuming I can unscrew it from the barrel and replace it with a shorter one or hacksaw it down. I just haven't found the best way to stabilize the barrel yet without damaging it while I try to remove the axle.
just be aware, I've paid for a set of these, and Raymond Mole (Damian) has disappeared with my money, no answer to PM's or email, Mods are aware, trading dispute has been raised.
theboyg":3mfkyvyk said:
just be aware, I've paid for a set of these, and Raymond Mole (Damian) has disappeared with my money, no answer to PM's or email, Mods are aware, trading dispute has been raised.

After following up with Damian, I've received the skewers and I'm very happy with them. Seems like Damian has a lot going on outside the Retrobike world, hence the delay in him sending them out, but all turned out good in the end. Thanks to RobMac for his gentle nudge in sorting this out