Remake of Specialized Shark Fin Disc Brake Adapter


Retro Newbie
Long shot, but here we go...

I am currently refurbishing a 1999 S Works frame.

Naturally I want to run hydraulic disks rather than V brakes.

I've discovered that Specialized once made a very sought after "shark fin" adapter for this exact purpose...


Of course, hardly anybody bought them and they're now near on impossible to find. :roll:

I'm looking at getting some remade.

Does anybody have one lying around (or on their bike), that they don't want to sell, but wouldn't mind me borrowing for a day?

I will return it the next day - with £20 sellotaped to it, to reward your kindness.

I can then get a few made up, and distribute them to the retrobike forum members at cost price!!

Thank you,

That's a shame.

I have actually managed to purchase one for the grand price of £15!

I'm still going to take some dimensions and get a price for a remake.

Will update the thread with more information when I know it!

I sold two of them with my hei hei frame to rojo not very long ago.

I don't think he will use them?

It's worth a shot to ask
i'd be wary of actually using these. the canti boss mount isnt designed for the forces & direction the disc brake places on it. I've seen a few frames with the canti boss both cracked & entirely sheered off

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