now its old ken barlow

To me it does not matter how long it's been, crimes such as rape, sexual abuse, murder and war crimes whoever commits them, if it can be proven, should face prosecution.

but thats the point alison, how, in the example of bill roach is the prosecution (if it gets that far) going to prove he raped someone nearly 50 years ago?the jury would have to be satisfied beyond reasonable doubt that he did it and the fact there is a 50 year gap instantly provides that reasonable doubt due to a lack of forensic evidence. ergo its a pointless exercise
Many people have been convicted of historical offences, I'm no investigating officer so do not know how they manage to prove these things or the way the law are able to put forward evidence against someone, but there are many cases that have resulted in successful convictions years even decades after the initial crime, so if proof is there then there is no reason to arrest, and in the case of Bill Roach they do say they have enough proof to charge him with the offence.

then if guilty i hope he gets what he deserves. he must be a very good actor as he is regarded as one of the nicest people in the buisiness.
I do understand that it seems strange or odd that people make a statement of complaint with regards to an incident that happened 10,20,30 or 40 years ago. Also putting bets on whos next is not really fair. I was called to a road traffic accident about 10 years ago. It wasnt through bad or inconsiderate driving it was down to a person who suddenly put their breaks on , the rear driver going into the back .

What had happened purely by chance a person had spotted a person from their past who had sexually abused them many years previously when they were in care.

This aggrieved person was in absolute tatters and crying uncontrolably. Their world was ok until they had made eye contact with their past they wanted to forget.

Complaint was made and went to court with a satifactory outcome.



Apparently, the makers of corrie are to do away with credits at the end of each show, and just put the sex offenders list up instead!

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