My Orange P7


Thought I'd do a quick update on this after buying a few parts. (plus all my old photo links have been lost to Photobucket's shenanigans)
Even though I don't really ride the old girl anymore, I felt that it wasn't looking truly original with its gold riser bars etc. It was just how I'd evolved it in the years since the mid 90's.

As it was...
DSCN7635 by Rob BC, on Flickr

So here it is now, with straight X-lite bars, some XT shifters, a Flite saddle and red X-lite bar ends to pick out the little red extremities detailing thing. Removed a lot of blue bits to clean it up, though now I kinda wish I hadn't sold my Ringle bottle cage nor given away my Onza CWAs. Still, that's life.

As it is...
IMG_3763 by Rob BC, on Flickr