Modern day language and teenager speak - please explain!!


So this is mostly a British forum is it?
I must say I loved England when I was there 7 years or so ago. Landed in Crawley after Glasgow from Canada. It was nearing the end of the peak tourist season, and I decided I'd go into London. I stayed in a cheap hotel, one night near the richie rich part Belgravia . I got fed up with the amount of people, so I went straight south to Brighton which I liked. Lands End for a couple weeks. Had Euro Rail and Brit Rail, which conviced the British Customs I wasnt going to take a salary loss and work in Britain. I dunno why they'd think I'd do that.

My hearing is bad, and accents are even worse for me to understand. African, Irish, Australian, British. Wonderful history though. I'd go back in a heartbeat. Do things a little different, and go further east in Europe.