For Sale Mainly 600 Tricolour, but lots of stuff here.

Sir Neil d'Menture

Retro Guru
Having a clear out and this lot is unlikely to be used in the near future. All is in working condition but with cosmetic marks as you would expect due to age.
All prices include postage/Evri/whatever but everything is negotiable. If you think that I have guessed totally wrong - say so. Post to UK, or it will cost you more!
pair of 600 Triclour cranks. 170mm 52/42 rings. Polished to within an inch of their lives but not lacquered £45
One pair dual pivot calipers with new pads. £25
One pair brake levers 6401 £20
6401 rear mech £20
rear mech.jpg
6400 front mech. £15
One pair downtube shifters £15
A second pair of levers, probably in a bit better condition that the previous pair. £20 SOLD
A pair of 6400 speed brifters. £40 SOLD

That's all for now.
If you think there is something amiss please say so...politely.


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First dibs on the 8 speed brifters, please – could you post or PM me a photo of the front of them? Thanks
HaHa. Don't believe in dibs, but as you are the first here goes.
Stamped 6400

Fair enough - there are too many time-wasters who say they want something and then you never hear from them again.

I have an 8sp 105 shifter that is totally gummed up despite trying to flush it out with GT85 multiple times, and I've been meaning to get around to checking whether it's terminal or not (there's no way I'm taking one fully apart, I'm not patient enough for that...). This will prompt me to check so I'll do that today and let you know...
How much for the tap?! Arf arf!

Seriously, could I take the lower 'better' pair of brake levers please? DM me your PP account and I'll do the F&F and send address by return!